Showing posts with label Game Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Game Center. Show all posts

Game Center for Developer

iOS games can take advantage of Game Center, Apple's social gaming network. Game Center enables your users to track their best scores on a leaderboard, compare their achievements, invite friends to play a game, and start a multiplayer game through auto-matching.

Essential Videos and Guides

Introduction to Game Center
Get introduced to the concepts and technology behind Game Center and understand how to create a compelling, fun, and easy to use gaming experience.

Working with Game Center
Learn about the Game Kit framework and understand how your users will interact with your Game Center enabled app.

Turn-Based Gaming with Game Center
Learn about the new Game Kit APIs and user interface for turn-based play introduced in Game Center for iOS 5.

Multi-Player Gaming with Game Center
See how to add players to a multi-player match and get details on developing peer-to-peer and server-hosted multiplayer games.

Getting Started with Game Center
Get an overview of Game Center and important considerations when developing your app to support Game Center.

Game Kit Programming Guide
Understand the fundamentals of the Game Center service and how to use the Game Kit APIs to develop Game Center games.

iTunes Connect Developer Guide
Learn how to enable your app for Game Center, set up your leaderboards, game acheivements, and test user accounts in iTunes Connect.

App Store Review Guidelines
Ensure your Game Center enabled app is ready to submit for app review.

Tools and Related Resources

Tips and Best Practices
  1. During development, you should test your application to ensure that Game Center features are working correctly. Apple provides a sandbox environment to allow you to test your application separately from the live version or other live apps.
  2. Check for Game Center support. If Game Center is not supported on the current device, your game should be prepared to fall-back gracefully and proceed with Game Center features disabled, if it is able to do so.
  3. We've increased the data size for turn-based matches from 4 kb to 64 kb, so you can create more sophisticated gaming scenarios.
  4. The Game Center data associated with your app is uniquely associated with the app’s bundle identifier. Note that related apps such as “App Lite” and “App Pro” (with different bundle identifiers) each will have their own separate Game Center data.
  5. Game Center should only be used in games and entertainment apps. The Game Center feature set is designed for use in games and entertainment apps and intended to complement game functionality within an app.